I have been searching the internet for information on Happiness. There are literally 76.5 million sites that come up when you Google the word ‘Happiness’. It must be something that people want. I think that the key to happiness is very simple and I didn’t see it on ANY OF THE TOP SITES espousing happiness.
When I look at being the most happy in my life, it wasn’t winning $20 on the lotto, it wasn’t getting that new chair or bike or getting anything actually. It was when I was giving. It was when I was giving the truth to someone. That is when I have felt the best, the happiest and the most content.
It’s a funny thing truth… Well actually not that funny, most of the time. As I say in my book The Relationship Revolution, the truth will set you free, and first it will make you miserable. Eventually you will feel better because at the end of the day you are being you. Who better to be than your authentic best self? You see I think that we end up hating ourselves when we are inauthentic. All we have to move past is our fear of others judging our truth and possibly not liking us. What would you prefer, “Would you want other to like you while you hated yourself?” or “Would you prefer to like yourself for being real and risk disappointing another?”
At the end of the day, You choose Happiness or Misery?